A Little Trick to Get Customers to Open Marketing Emails

Email  Marketing Trick

We all receive hundreds of emails on a daily basis and so, getting your clients or prospective customers to open your emails requires something special. After all, your email has to cut through the clutter and get noticed and this is where a sneaky, clever tactic can be adopted to capture their attention. What’s more, those who open the email, are not even aware that they have been lured in.

This is not about using buzzwords such as “Urgent” or “We have something exciting for you”. The trick is a lot simpler than that, so what is it? It is a simple case of using “FWD:” or “Re:” in the subject line.

You might be thinking that this is far too simple to have an effect but the idea behind it is why it works so well. It is a logical technique and that is why it gets the results it is intended to.

Through making the email look as though it is a response to a previous message or has been forwarded on, it makes the recipient feel as though they have already been a part of the conversation with the sender on another occasion. Therefore, the recipient feels obliged to open the email and read its contents. Job done.

Marketers and businesses have to ensure that their message gets noticed. After all, with thousands of emails received each day and with people short on time, it is vital that businesses use as many tactics as possible to engage with recipients. The truth is, people have become so frustrated with the number of emails that they receive that they are now selective over the ones that they do choose to open. The subject line plays a significant role in capturing their attention and that is why marketers have been using this sneaky technique. It clearly works and once the recipient has opened the email, they will find that it is relevant to them and that increases the overall success rate.

Sometimes it is about taking a unique approach and for decades, marketers have been using all manner of techniques to capture the attention and so, this is one that is currently being used although the next technique is sure to come along soon.