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Why it isn’t Just About Digital Marketing

About Digital Marketing The world has gone digital and there is no going back but essentially that is a good thing. However, when it comes to marketing, it is not just the digital world that gets results, despite marketers overestimating the value of digital media such as online video and social media. The belief is


Brands Can Deal with Negativity

  Deal with Online Negativity The truth is, the world is now a small place and news and stories can spread like wildfire across the internet. In an instant, a brand can be hit with an unwarranted torrent of abuse or bad publicity and it can do them harm. However, brands need to have a


Build Client Trust with Reviews

Any relationship is built on trust. However, when it comes to the relationship between client and marketers, the relationship can somewhat be lacking in trust. In a world where trust is everything, particularly with online activity, then it is vital that trust becomes an important part of the marketer and client relationship. Customer loyalty is


Marketers Need to Help Brands be More Human

Technology has completely transformed our lives beyond what we ever imagined and it has all been done in the blink of an eye. When you think that just shy of 20 years ago, many people didn’t have the internet and social media was a thing of complete mystery. The change has been phenomenal but there


Now is the Time to Pay Your Agencies More

The world is no driven by the media and savvy PR people inform us about what we should and shouldn’t be doing in a way that works. Some of the best agencies in the world are getting results which is why it is important that agencies get what they are worth. Agencies are a vital


Amazon to Open Pop-Up Stores

The retail giant, Amazon has already taken over the world with its easy access to almost everything imaginable as well as super-fast delivery times. There is no denying that the growth in the company over the past ten years has resulted in small businesses going out of business but Amazon is doing its best to


AD Spend to Increase Significantly by 2020

The UK is making great strides when it comes to online advertising, fast becoming one of the most powerful countries in the world, with UK advertisers spending 62% of their budget online. In relation to the size of the economy, UK online advertising is now the biggest in the world. This proves that the online


Loyalty – Brands Are Taking a Different Approach

Marketers have their work cut out, so it seems. For years, many top retailers across the world have had some sort of loyalty scheme. The two in the UK  that many are familiar with are the Tesco Clubcard and the Sainsburys Nectar Card. The idea behind them is a simple one: customers spend money, earn


Artificial Intelligence is Not Fully Understood by Consumers

A new report has found that the attitudes of consumers towards artificial intelligence is not as positive as once thought. Despite a growing trend in the use of artificial intelligence technologies, consumers have a lack of understanding of how they can benefit and so, they are more likely to trust real people in order to


In-app Marketing – It has Potential

In the UK alone, people spend around 24 hours per week online where In-app Marketing potential can be utilise . We reach for our phones on average, every 12 minutes. We love the way in which we are connected and so, in the last ten years, the time spent online has doubled. This mobile revolution